As early in your committed relationship as possible.
We recommend that as you enter financial contracts together you discuss the desire for a prenuptial agreement if you were to marry. If you are signing a lease, a loan, opening a joint account, you discuss that having a contract for financial planning is something you believe is a value. Having clarity with you partner about financial beliefs is a element of communication that many people are uncomfortable with. We suggest you begin being comfortable with these talks early on so they are no longer an issue. If you have discussed a date and are planning a wedding, prenuptial agreement terms should be included in those conversations. When you get closer you get to the date of the wedding, phrases such as “I bought my dress”, “my family has flights”, hiring contracts have been signed”, “invitations have gone out”, can lead to a duress defense against a prenuptial agreement in court. The foundation of having financial conversations about money is being set when you challenge the tone from being uncomfortable to comfortable.